What are the Benefits of Vasectomy?
Have you heard of the benefits of vasectomy, or are you considering undergoing the procedure and wish to learn more? The pros of vasectomy go beyond family planning. Once performed, it reduces the risk of unplanned pregnancies by almost 100%, taking the burden of family planning off the shoulders of your partner. It is also cost-effective and convenient for any man who understands the importance of family planning. Moreover, vasectomy is a simple procedure performed in a doctor’s office under local anesthesia. Schedule an appointment with Dr Donaldson to learn more about vasectomy, including the possibility of reversal.
Should I Get a Vasectomy?
If you ask us this question, our response is always why not? As the man in a relationship, you have several family planning options. You can choose periodic abstinence, condoms, non-vaginal ejaculation, or vasectomy. Each family planning method has its pros and cons. However, if you wish to reduce pregnancy risk to almost zero percent, consider vasectomy. Here are more reasons to make vasectomy your birth control method of choice.
Highly Effective Contraception
Vasectomy is more than 99% effective in preventing unplanned pregnancies. The risk of pregnancy after a vasectomy is less than 1 in 2000. However, you have to wait for two months for your semen to be sperm-free after the procedure. Once your semen is sperm-free, you can get intimate with your partner with almost 100% certainty of no conception.
The procedure is also less invasive than tubal ligation, meaning it is quicker and has no recovery downtimes. You can get back to your work after 48 hours.
The advantages of vasectomy do not end there. It does not interfere with your hormones or affect your sex drive.
Moreover, you will no longer require preparations like wearing a condom before engaging in sex. Undergoing the procedure makes your sex spontaneous and more fulfilling. The pros of vasectomy make it one of the most convenient and effective family planning methods. An effective family planning method lets you choose when to have children and control your household size.
It’s a Simple Procedure
Unlike other surgical family planning methods like tubal ligation, vasectomy involves a simple procedure that makes your semen sperm-free. The procedure happens in the comfort of a doctor’s office rather than the operating room. It’s also done under local anesthesia, further reducing the complication risks. With Dr Donaldson’s expertise and experience, it will take you less than ten minutes to undergo vasectomy.
Cost-Effective Choice
The cost of undergoing vasectomy is significantly lower than other forms of sterilization. Compared to tubal ligation in female sterilization, vasectomy is thousands of dollars cheaper. While other urologists may give you a range of prices of what you can expect to pay, Upstate Urology offers a flat-fee of $899 for vasectomies.
It’s also a one-time cost. Once you undergo the procedure, you no longer incur recurring expenses, such as pharmacy visits for oral contraceptives or condoms. The upfront costs eventually prove cheaper than the frequent visits to your grocery store or pharmacy.
Possible Reversibility Considerations
Vasectomy is a permanent family planning method. Once done, it reduces the risk of unplanned pregnancy by almost 100%. However, a vasectomy can be reversed if you decide to have children in the future. You can undergo the procedure today, enjoy the health benefits of vasectomy, and reverse it when you need children.
Book your Visit with the Carolina’s Vasectomy King
There are numerous benefits of vasectomy. It reduces unplanned pregnancy risks by more than 99%, giving you the confidence required to live a fulfilling sex life. The procedure is also simple and cost-effective compared to other sterilization methods like tubal ligation. To make it even better, the procedure is reversible! Contact us today to book a consultation with Dr Donaldson and learn more about vasectomy.
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